Don’t Let The 8.5% Cap on Special Ed Continue

In 2016, after the publication of a series of investigative articles by Brian M. Rosenthal in the Houston Chronicle, many parents with children in Texas public schools obtained confirmation of one of their worst fears – their children were missing out on education opportunities that could enrich their children’s lives. It may not sound like much to a parent with a typical child who can catch up on academics with a tutor, but for parents with children who require special education services and accommodations, catching up can feel impossible.

The U. S. Department of Education conducted their own investigation which concluded that Texas Education Agency (TEA) led schoold districts to delay or deny special education services to students by instituting an arbirtrary cap for enrollment of services at 8.5%.

Now, the TEA owes the public school children in Texas a proper education and the TEA is asking for your help. We have until April 18th to offer comments on the draft of the the strategic plan to get our schools in line with rest of the country with regards to special education.

Click on the link below to read more information on the draft and to offer your comments.