Don’t Let The 8.5% Cap on Special Ed Continue

In 2016, after the publication of a series of investigative articles by Brian M. Rosenthal in the Houston Chronicle, many parents with children in Texas public schools obtained confirmation of one of their worst fears – their children were missing out on education opportunities that could enrich their children’s lives. It may not sound like much to a parent with a typical child who can catch up on academics with a tutor, but for parents with children who require special education services and accommodations, catching up can feel impossible.

The U. S. Department of Education conducted their own investigation which concluded that Texas Education Agency (TEA) led schoold districts to delay or deny special education services to students by instituting an arbirtrary cap for enrollment of services at 8.5%.

Now, the TEA owes the public school children in Texas a proper education and the TEA is asking for your help. We have until April 18th to offer comments on the draft of the the strategic plan to get our schools in line with rest of the country with regards to special education.

Click on the link below to read more information on the draft and to offer your comments.

15 Year Anniversary for Filis Law Firm

In July 2002,  I sat for the Texas Bar exam. Thankfully I had my friend Mary K. to make the 3 days of testing tolerable. Then, after many months of waiting, we finally received our results. Many people do not know this, but all the Texas law school graduates who take the Bar find out if they passed the Bar all at the same time. The Texas State Bar Examiners post the pass list online. I was thankfully on the list and within a couple of months, I formed The Filis Law Firm, PC.

Over the years I have enjoyed the flexibility of having a general civil practice. In the middle of 2008, I entered into the world of Oil and Gas. We are in Texas so it makes perfect sense to work in energy in some capacity. I enjoyed oil and gas title work, but my son who inspired me to explore a different path in my career. With his diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, our lives changed – not better or worse, just different. Since then, Filis Law Firm has provided me with the ability to share what I have learned over the years and help protect the legal rights of children with special needs and their family members.

Fifteen years of Filis Law Firm, and many more years to come.

Advising Families With Children With Special Needs
Filis Law Firm
5600 NW Central Drive, Suite 202
Houston, TX 77092

Documents for FEMA claims

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FEMA has identified the following list of documents that your insurance company or FEMA may request that you produce in order to prove your loss:
¨ Your insurance policy and its declarations page;
¨ A copy of everything you sent to your insurance company or to FEMA about your claim;
¨ A copy of the notice you sent to the insurance company or to FEMA that notified them that you had sustained a loss;
¨ A copy of everything your insurance company or FEMA has sent you about your claim;
¨ A copy of the insurance company’s written denial or disallowance, in whole or in part, of the claim;
¨ A copy of the signed, notarized Proof of Loss submitted to the insurance company or to the National Flood Insurance Program, as required in the policy;
¨ A copy of any proof of transmittal of the Proof of Loss. This can be a certified mail green card (return receipt), copy of a fax transmittal showing that the document was successfully transmitted, etc.;
¨ Room-by-room itemized estimates from the adjuster (including contractors’ estimates), detailing unit costs and quantities for the items needing repair or replacement;
¨ Replacement cost Proofs of Loss;
¨ Adjuster’s Preliminary Report;
¨ Adjuster’s Final Report;
¨ Detailed damaged personal property inventories, including approximate ages of the items, purchase price, and replacement cost;
¨ Completed Mobile Home Worksheet;
¨ Mobile home title, including salvage title;
¨ Real estate appraisals, excluding land values
¨ Advance payment information;
¨ Clear photographs (exterior and interior) confirming damage that resulted from direct physical loss by or from flood and loss due to other causes;
¨ Proof that prior flood damage has been repaired;
¨ Elevation Certificate, if the building is elevated;
¨ The community’s determination concerning substantial damage;
¨ Zone determinations;
¨ Pre-loss and post-loss inventories;
¨ Financial statements;
¨ Tax records, lease agreements, sales contracts, settlement papers, deed, etc.;
¨ Emergency (911) address change information;
¨ Salvage information (proceeds and sales);
¨ Condominium association by-laws;
¨ Proof of other insurance, including homeowners or wind policies, and any claim information submitted to the other companies;
¨ Waiver, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) information;
¨ Paid receipts and invoices, including cancelled checks, that support your out-of-pocket expenses pertaining to the claim;
¨ Underwriting decisions;
¨ Architectural plans and drawings;
¨ Death certificates;
¨ Last Will and Testament;
¨ Divorce decree;
¨ Power of attorney;
¨ Current lienholder information;
¨ Current loss payee information;
¨ Paid receipts and invoices documenting damaged stock;
¨ Detailed engineering reports specifically addressing flood-related damage and pre-existing damage;
¨ Engineering surveys;
¨ Market values;
¨ Documentation of Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) dates;
¨ Documentation concerning substantial improvement, including documents that reflect date(s) of construction;
¨ Loan documents, including closings and settlement sheets;
¨ Evidence of insurability as a Residential Condominium Association;
¨ Franchise agreements;
¨ Letters of representation, i.e., attorneys and public adjusters;
¨ Any assignment of interest in a claim; and
¨ Any other pertinent information that your insurance company or FEMA may request in processing a claim.
Obviously, not ALL of these documents will apply to your claim. But as you go through the list you should recognize those that do apply to your claim, and should be aware of those documents that are in your possession. Gather all of the documents that you have that are on this list and keep them together in one file for use as your claim is being processed. It is better to collect them now and put them in a safe place where they can easily be retrieved. It is much better to set them aside now, rather than having to search for them in a panic the day before a hearing or deposition.
Please keep these documents where you can easily get to them in case they are needed on short notice in connection with proving your claim.

The Changing World of Retirement Planning Seminar

Who can predict that our professional lives will end when we want and how we want?

With proper planning, you can feel more at ease about the unknown.  Find out where to put your pre-retirement savings!

Click here to see more information about our upcoming Estate Planning seminar.

The Changing World of Retirement Planning

Sign up here:

Determine how your assets are distributed with the assistance of an estate planning attorney.


Where Are Our Special Education Teachers?

I recently visited a popular job posting site and conducted a search for Special Education Teacher jobs in Houston, Texas. The results were amazing – 221 jobs in Houston waiting to be filled.  Why so many? Has the general population not realized the growing need for qualified people to care for our children?  Are our SpEd teachers burnt out from the extreme demands placed on them and have moved on? As I prepare to send my son back to school next week, I am relieved to know that his SpEd teacher is still at our school, but what about other schools in Texas?

In December 2015, the No Child Left Behind Act (2002) was replaced with the Every Student Succeeds Act (“ESSA”) with goals set to ensure students not only graduate from high school, but also attend college.  In order for this federal Act to succeed, states are encouraged to be innovative accountable for results.  According to their website, the Texas Education Agency (“TEA”) will attempt to fully implement ESSA by focusing on four goals: (i) improving our low-performing schools; (ii) tying high school success to a future with college and a career; (iii) getting back to basic reading and math; and most importantly (iv) “recruiting, supporting and retaining teachers and principals.”

As a parent of a child with special needs, your voice should be heard during this planning process.  Provide feedback on the key policy decisions concerning your child’s education. We need keep our SpEd teachers from leaving their professions by paying these teachers proper compensation for all that they do every day with our kids. We need to attract additional skilled professionals and paraprofessionals.

ACT NOW – The Texas Education Agency is now accepting comments on the ESSA State Plan until August 29th.

Senate Vote Texas Vouchers for School


All your work from years of ARD meetings, IEPs, and lawsuits will disappear once your student receiving special education services from public school uses vouchers for private school education. Private schools are not forced to follow the laws protecting your child’s education rights.

Click here to listen to the call from Filis Law Firm’s managing attorney Leona Filis to Pacifica Radio encouraging Texans to call their senators and tell them to vote NO to public school vouchers.

This segment was taken from the 7/24/2017 broadcast found at

The Texas School Voucher proposal passed 19-12 in the state senate. The next step is the Texas House.  Please contact your representatives.

Houston Events in April 2017

There are so many events in Autism Awareness Month!

Here’s info about some Houston fun events I found online:

April 1 – Sickness Inc Custom Ride for Autism

April 1 and 2 10:30 am to 6:30 PM McDonald’s Houston Children’s Fest

April 3 10 AM to 3 PM Sensory Friendly Say at Children’s Museum of Houston

April 4 PM to 8 PM – 4th Annual Profit Share for Autism – LIUB with Stella & Dot! Free

April 4 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM – The Benjamin J. Geigerman Lecture FREE – Pipelines to Employment for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder”

April 7 6 – 7 PM – Autism Parent Workshop

April 8 8 AM – 5th Annual Bridging the Gap Between Home and School Conference & Resource Fair – FREE

April 8 – Market Days Autism Awareness

April 22 12 PM  – Harris Center’s 15th Annual Picnic in the Park (Autism and IDD Awareness Fair) – George Bush Park

April 22 4:30 PM – Strokes for HOPE! Jennifer Ekeoba’s Autism Awareness Birthday Paint Party $40

April 22 10 AM to 4 PM – Autism Awareness Fest – Embrace the Spectrum – FREE and updated info at

April 29 9 AM – 1 PM From Stress to Strength $10

April 29 1 PM – WHO Wants to Race 5K & 10K for Autism Awareness – Houston

April 30 – Autism Awareness Brunch

Feel free to add any events I missed!
