Years ago, I had been advised by my son’s therapist to get my son on the Interest Lists for the Medicaid Waiver Programs, but all I heard was “Medicaid” and I tuned her out. Whether my decision was based on pride or ignorance, I failed my son.
In November 2014, during a holiday break I had time on my hands and decided to make the calls to investigate the Programs. If you have a disabled child, I strongly suggest you make the calls today. There are 6 programs I am familiar with – CLASS, HCS, TxHml, CBA, MDCP, and DBMD. The information regarding the disabled individual you will need to have ready is the Social Security Number, last name, first name, middle initial, county of residence, date of birth, whether the individual receives Medicaid, mailing address, phone number, your name, the diagnosis, and the length of time of the awareness of the disability.
I called DADS at (877) 438-5658. My son is now on the Interest Lists for CLASS and MDCP. The call took 8 minutes of my time, but the wait will be years.
A month later my son was added to the HCS Interest List. The wait is 10 to 12 years.
Warning: If you get on the lists, don’t forget to call the agencies when you move – you miss your letter notifying you of your meeting, you lose your place in line.