Will my child who receives traditional Medicaid be put on STAR+PLUS HMO or kicked off as of Nov. 1, 2016?

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Medicaid programs are managed by the Health and Human Services Commission. It does not appear that traditional Medicaid is changing in 2016. The Medicaid Help Line is 1-800-335-8957 and Handbook can be found at http://www.hhsc.state.tx.us/QuickAnswers/TradMedHandbook.pdf.

Program changes you will see on September 1, 2016 include the creation of STAR Kids – a program starting September 1, 2016, for children age 20 and younger with disabilities or special health-care needs. As a result, after September 1, 2016, STAR+PLUS, a program that covers basic medical services and long-term services and supports (LTSS), will serve people age 21 and older.

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