Contact Us

Click here to access our online calendar and schedule a free 30-minute initial consultation. 

Prefer to call? Call us at 713-462-1777.

Office Location:
5600 NW Central, Suite 202
Houston, Texas 77092


The Filis Law Firm provides this information and is not establishing an attorney/client relationship with a person downloading forms and information from the website.

© 2025 The Filis Law Firm, P.C.

6 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. I am in need of sample letter for cameras in the classroom and I am in LPISD. How much is the cost for a sample letter

  2. I am soliciting for legal representation in an employment dispute . Can you handle this ?

    Antonio Rodrigo

  3. I am a disabled combat veteran & Purple Heart Recipient. I am Permanently Medically Retired from MARSOC, 100% disabled (PTSD, TBI, Severe Migraines), Permanent and Total. UST is denying me a merit scholarship available to all other students, last semester UST fired a professor who did not follow the ADA criteria. There is another program and professor who is not following the official Accommodations and Disabilities letter in order for me to be a successful student. I have all communications in writing through emails. The disagreements for the current issue have been going on for four months and are affecting my medical health. Many of the professors who are not following the official accommodations and disability letter think since UST is a private school, federal laws don’t have to be followed, but UST still receives FASFA? Can you help me? I have all the documentation needed.

  4. No problem. We offer free 30-minute initial consultations. Feel free to call my office at 713-462-1777.

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