Financial Planning


Knowing that you must prepare for your child’s future is nothing new. Knowing how to properly plan for your child’s future when he or she is diagnosed with a disability is confusing and frustrating. The wait on Interest Lists for Medicaid Waiver Programs can be up to ten years.  Once you finally start to receive benefits, you have to have a plan in place to maintain the benefits.  That is where Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Act accounts (529A) can be fantastic resources for your estate planning.

Another planning consideration for parents of children with special needs is insurance.  Life Insurance to truly cover expenses for of lives of your loved ones.  Life Insurance should not just cover the “breadwinner” parent.  In the event the care-giver parent dies, the family must hire others to continue to provide appropriate care for the child or children with special needs.

Unfortunately the insurance discussion does not end with life insurance.  If the “breadwinner” parent becomes disabled, he or she may become underemployed or unemployed and disability insurance can help.

As a member of Heights Go Givers (HGG), I have had many opportunities to meet with professionals from the Heights and surrounding area on a weekly basis.  Over the past few months I have had the pleasure of learning about the character and professionalism of Michelle Gessner of  Substantively, Michelle has proven herself to be very knowledgeable, both in one-on-one discussions and as a speaker at conferences and meetings I have attended. If you are looking for a brilliant, compassionate,  and disciplined advisor, contact Michelle.

Cure Duchenne Cares Workshop April 9th


April 9th at 1:15 pm, Leona E. Filis will be speaking about legal issues, including Special Needs Trusts, Wills, and Medicaid Waiver Programs – specifically C.L.A.S.S.

For more DMD Workshop information, go to


Katy Autism Support Presentation 4/19

I am excited about my next official speaking engagement! I have been invited to speak at the April meeting for Katy Autism Support.
Support Meeting April 19th, 2016; Special Needs Attorney presentation.

Leona E. Filis, attorney and mother of a child on the autism spectrum will discuss how families with children with special needs can gain more knowledge and information about Special Education Law, Family Law,Probate/Trusts, Guardianship and Medicaid Waivers. Her law practice focus is on the legal services of families with children with special needs. Full description of Ms. Filis’ presentation will be updated as the meeting date approaches.

Date:  Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Time: 7:00—9:00 PM

Location: St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, Asbury Hall, 1st floor, 20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, TX

If you have any questions, please send an email to Cynthia Reece at

Free childcare is available, RSVP the special needs ministry coordinator at for childcare no later than Sunday, April 15, 2016.

Success at the Resource Fair at Memorial Drive UMC

8:30 am is really early to be setting up at a resource fair on a Saturday but we did it! I felt like I was losing my voice around noon because of all the talking I was doing but it was worth it. GinLeo shared information with parents for hours on the importance of getting their kids with special needs on the Interest Lists for Medicaid Waiver Programs, and all of the benefits and therapies that can benefit their children. I saw family members, old friends, and made new friends.

Added bonus – I got a free copy of the 2016 Mikey’s Guide – A Resource Guide for Families with Children, Teens or Adults with Disabilities.

Now I am on the hunt for the next conference.

GinLeo Advanced Special Services, Inc.
GinLeo Advanced Special Services, Inc.

Breaking Barriers Conference

Well the Breaking Barriers Conference was a success! Many parents attended this conference to learn about resources for children with disabilities and to share common experiences. For my early morning presentation, we discussed the importance of getting children with disabilities on the Interest Lists for Medicaid Waiver Programs, regardless of the parents’ income.  Also, the vendor table for GinLeo had a nice flow of traffic from therapists and parents interested in receiving therapy for their children who receive benefits from the C.L.A.S.S. program.  For more information on GinLeo go to

Breaking Barriers Conference 2016
Breaking Barriers Conference 2016
At Breaking Barriers Conference 2016
At Breaking Barriers Conference 2016


Medicaid Waiver Programs

Years ago, I had been advised by my son’s therapist to get my son on the Interest Lists for the Medicaid Waiver Programs, but all I heard was “Medicaid” and I tuned her out. Whether my decision was based on pride or ignorance, I failed my son.

In November 2014, during a holiday break I had time on my hands and decided to make the calls to investigate the Programs.  If you have a disabled child, I strongly suggest you make the calls today.  There are 6 programs I am familiar with – CLASS, HCS, TxHml, CBA, MDCP, and DBMD.  The information regarding the disabled individual you will need to have ready  is the Social Security Number, last name, first name, middle initial, county of residence, date of birth, whether the individual receives Medicaid, mailing address, phone number, your name, the diagnosis, and the length of time of the awareness of the disability.

I called DADS at (877) 438-5658. My son is now on the Interest Lists for CLASS and MDCP.  The call took 8 minutes of my time, but the wait will be years.

A month later my son was added to the HCS Interest List. The wait is 10 to 12 years.

Warning: If you get on the lists, don’t forget to call the agencies when you move – you miss your letter notifying you of your meeting,  you lose your place in line.