
Learn more at Region 4 with The Filis Law Firm and other community partners

Join TEAM Project on September 23, 2016 for Game On! Share The Knowledge Symposium Series 2016 and Community Resource Fair. Admission is FREE but pre-registration is required. A boxed lunch will be provided to registered participants.
TEAM Project’s Symposium will include 3 presentations offering information and knowledge to help empower parents and youth to become better advocates.
There will also be a resource fair with local community agencies and service providers.
Presentation Topics:
Self Employment? Yes YOU Can!
Parents and The Transition Process
Youth Panel: Youth with DisABILITIES sharing their experiences as students of Special Education and beyond. Youth 14-26

Contact Info: Regional Coordinators Celia Ulloa :, 832-640-0509 and Ana Esparza 832-878-0509

Click here for more information!

Free Tickets


What to Expect in the New School Year

There is a new focus on the alarming rise of special education student suspensions.

The U.S. Department of Education – Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services released a letter dated August 1, 2016 restating a goal of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to offer eligible children with a disability a free appropriate public education (FAPE).  The letter “serves to remind school personnel that the authority to implement disciplinary removals does not negate their obligation to consider the implications of the child’s behavior needs, and the effects of the use of suspensions (and other short-term removals) when ensuring the provision of FAPE.”

Be proactive.

If your child’s Individual Education Program (IEP) has already been prepared for 2016, the new school year can mean you will have a new IEP team member, new classroom, and new teaching method. Your child’s IEP may need to be modified to address any new behaviors your child may have due to the changes in his or her classroom routine.

School is starting soon and parents are invited to meet the teacher. This is a great opportunity to quickly discuss some key points with the newest member of your child’s IEP team. Typically, schools will offer 15 to 20 minutes with your child’s new teacher so start the school year off right.  Have a friendly introduction letter ready to hand off to your child’s new teacher so that he or she can later take their time to read and review the special details you determine are important for knowing your child.  Offer proven strategies for the new teacher that may have worked with your child over the summer break to establish a safe, supportive learning environment, such as wearing head phones when in a loud environment.  Point out what is important in the IEP.  Add your contact information and make sure you answer the calls or emails in the event your child’s new teacher reaches out to you. Respect your child’s teacher’s time.

Stay current with new special education legislation and news. Parents of children receiving special education services in self-contained classrooms can write a letter to the school district to have cameras installed in the classroom.  See an example letter. The Texas Education Agency has created a comparison chart of laws applicable to schools and students receiving special education services.

Finally – Cameras in the Special Ed classrooms Commissioner’s Rules

The Texas Education Agency has finally posted the Adopted New rules regarding Cameras in the Classroom, effective August 15, 2016.

You may go to TEA website  for more information. I have pasted below the text for your viewing pleasure.

Text of Adopted New 19 TAC

Chapter 103. Health and Safety

Subchapter DD. Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Video Surveillance of Certain Special Education Settings

§103.1301. Video Surveillance of Certain Special Education Settings.

(a)                 Requirement to implement. Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, in order to promote student safety, on request by a parent, trustee, or staff member, a school district or open-enrollment charter school must provide video equipment to campuses in accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC), §29.022, and this section. Campuses that receive video equipment must place, operate, and maintain video cameras in self- contained classrooms or other special education settings in accordance with TEC, §29.022, and this section.

(b)                 Definitions. For purposes of TEC, §29.022, and this section, the following terms have the following meanings.

(1)                 Parent means a person described in TEC, §26.002, whose child receives special education and related services for at least 50 percent of the instructional day in the [a] self-contained classroom or other special education setting. Parent also means a student who receives special education and related services for at least 50 percent of the instructional day in the [a] self-contained classroom or other special education setting and who is 18 years of age or older or whose disabilities of minority have been removed for general purposes under Texas Family Code, Chapter 31, unless the student has been determined to be incompetent or the student’s rights have been otherwise restricted by a court order.

(2)                 Staff member means a teacher, related service provider, paraprofessional, or educational aide assigned to work in the [a] self-contained classroom or other special education setting. Staff member also includes the principal or an assistant principal of the campus at which the [a] self- contained classroom or other special education setting is located.

(3)                 Trustee means a member of a school district’s board of trustees or a member of an open- enrollment charter school’s governing body.

(4)                 Open-enrollment charter school means a charter granted to a charter holder under TEC, §12.101 or

§12.152, identified with its own county district number.

(5)                 Self-contained classroom means a classroom on a regular school campus (i.e., a campus that serves students in general education and students in special education) of a school district or an open-enrollment charter school in which a majority of the students in regular attendance are provided special education and related services and have one of the following instructional arrangements/settings described in the student attendance accounting handbook adopted under

§129.1025 of this title (relating to Adoption by Reference: Student Attendance Accounting Handbook):

(A)               self-contained (mild/moderate/severe) regular campus;

(B)                full-time early childhood (preschool program for children with disabilities) special education setting;

(C)                residential care and treatment facility–self-contained (mild/moderate/severe) regular campus;

(D)               residential care and treatment facility–full-time early childhood special education setting;

(E)                off home campus–self-contained (mild/moderate/severe) regular campus; or

(F)                off home campus–full-time early childhood special education setting.

(6)                 Other special education setting means a classroom on a separate campus (i.e., a campus that serves only students who receive special education and related services) of a school district or open- enrollment charter school in which a majority of the students in regular attendance are provided special education and related services and have one of the following instructional arrangements/settings described in the student attendance accounting handbook adopted under

§129.1025 of this title:

(A)               residential care and treatment facility–separate campus; or (B)                off home campus–separate campus.

(7)                 Video camera means a video surveillance camera with audio recording capabilities.

(8)                 Video equipment means one or more video cameras and any technology and equipment needed to place, operate, and maintain video cameras as required by TEC, §29.022, and this section. Video equipment also means any technology and equipment needed to store and access video recordings as required by TEC, §29.022, and this section.

(9)                 Incident means an event or circumstance that:

(A)               involves alleged “abuse” or “neglect,” as those terms are described in Texas Family Code,

§261.001, of a student by an employee of the school district or charter school or alleged “physical abuse” or “sexual abuse,” as those terms are described in Texas Family Code,

§261.410, of a student by another student; and [or]

(B)                allegedly occurred in a self-contained classroom or other special education setting in which video surveillance under TEC, §29.022, and this section is conducted.

(c)                 Exclusions. A school district or open-enrollment charter school is not required to provide video equipment to a campus of another district or charter school or to a nonpublic school. In addition, the Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and any other state agency that provides special education and related services to students are not subject to the requirements in TEC, §29.022, and this section.

(d)                 Use of funds. A school district or open-enrollment charter school may solicit and accept gifts, grants, and donations from any person to implement the requirements in TEC, §29.022, and this section. A district or charter school is not permitted to use Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, funds or state special education funds to implement the requirements of TEC, §29.022, and this section.

(e)                 Dispute resolution. The special education dispute resolution procedures in 34 Code of Federal Regulations,

§§300.151-300.153 and 300.504-300.515, do not apply to complaints alleging that a school district or open- enrollment charter school has failed to comply with TEC, §29.022, and/or this section. Complaints alleging violations of TEC, §29.022, and/or this section must be addressed through the district’s or charter school’s local grievance procedures or other dispute resolution channels.

(f)                  Regular school year and extended school year services. TEC, §29.022, and this section apply to video surveillance during the regular school year and during extended school year services . [Decisions regarding whether video surveillance will be conducted in self-contained classrooms and other special education settings in which extended school year services are provided are left to local discretion.]

(g)                 Policies and procedures. Each school district board of trustees and open-enrollment charter school governing body must adopt written policies relating to video surveillance under TEC, §29.022, and this section. At a minimum, the policies must include:

(1)                 a statement that video surveillance is for the purpose of promoting student safety in certain self- contained classrooms and other special education settings;

(2)                 the procedures for requesting video surveillance and the procedures for responding to a request for video surveillance ;

(3)                 the procedures for providing advanced written notice to the campus staff and the parents of the students assigned to a self-contained classroom or other special education setting that video and audio surveillance will be conducted in the classroom or setting;

(4)                 a requirement that video cameras be operated at all times during the instructional day when students are in the self-contained classroom or other special education setting;

(5)                 a statement regarding the personnel [individuals] who will have access to video equipment or [cameras and] video recordings for purposes of operating and maintaining the equipment or recordings [and the roles and responsibilities of those individuals] ;

(6)                 a requirement that a campus continue to operate and maintain any video camera placed in a self- contained classroom or other special education setting for as long as the classroom or setting continues to satisfy the requirements in TEC, §29.022(a);

(7)                 a requirement that video cameras placed in a self-contained classroom or other special education setting be capable of recording video and audio of all areas of the classroom or setting, except that no video surveillance may be conducted of the inside of a bathroom or other area used for toileting or diapering a student or removing or changing a student’s clothes;

(8)                 a statement that video recordings must be retained for at least six months after the date the video was recorded;

(9)                 a statement that the regular or continual monitoring of video is prohibited and that video recordings must not be used for [routine] teacher evaluation or monitoring or for any purpose other than the promotion of student safety;

(10)             at the school district’s or open-enrollment charter school’s discretion, a requirement that campuses post a notice at the entrance of any self-contained classroom or other special education setting in which video cameras are placed stating that video and audio surveillance are conducted in the classroom or setting;

(11)             the procedures for reporting a complaint alleging that an incident occurred in a self-contained classroom or other special education setting in which video surveillance under TEC, §29.022, and this section is conducted;

(12)             the local grievance procedures for filing a complaint alleging violations of TEC, §29.022, and/or this section; and

(13)             a statement that video recordings made under TEC, §29.022, and this section are confidential and a description of the limited circumstances under which the recordings may be viewed.

(h)                 Confidentiality of video recordings. A video recording made under TEC, §29.022, and this section is confidential and may only be viewed by the following individuals, to the extent not limited by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) or other law:

(1)                 a staff member or other school district or charter school employee or a parent of a student involved in an incident described in subsection (b)(9) of this section that is documented by a video recording for which a complaint has been reported to the district or charter school;

(2)                 appropriate Texas Department of Family and Protective Services personnel as part of an investigation under Texas Family Code, §261.406;

(3)                 a peace officer, school nurse, [or] administrator trained in de-escalation and restraint techniques as provided by commissioner rule , or a human resources staff member designated by the school district’s board of trustees or open-enrollment charter school’s governing body in response to a complaint or an investigation of an incident described in subsection (b)(9) of this section; or

(4)                 appropriate Texas Education Agency or State Board for Educator Certification personnel or agents as part of an investigation.

(i)                  Child abuse and neglect reporting. If a person described in subsection (h)(3) or (4) of this section views a video recording and has cause to believe that the recording documents possible abuse or neglect of a child under Texas Family Code, Chapter 261, the person must submit a report to [notify] the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services or other authority in accordance with the local policy adopted under

§61.1051 of this title (relating to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect ) and Texas Family Code, Chapter 261.

(j)                  Disciplinary actions and legal proceedings. If a person described in subsection (h)(2), (3), or (4) of this section views a video recording and believes that it documents a possible violation of school district, open- enrollment charter school, or campus policy, the person may allow access to the recording to appropriate legal and human resources personnel of the district or charter school to the extent not limited by FERPA or other law. A recording believed to document a possible violation of school district, open-enrollment charter school, or campus policy may be used in a disciplinary action against district or charter school personnel and must be released in a legal proceeding at the request of a parent of the student involved in the incident documented by the recording. A recording believed to document a possible violation of school district, open-enrollment charter school, or campus policy must be released for viewing by the district or charter school employee who is the subject of the disciplinary action at the request of the employee.

(k)                 Access rights. Subsections (i) and (j) of this section do not limit the access of a student’s parent to an educational record of the student under FERPA or other law. To the extent any provisions in TEC, §29.022, and this section conflict with FERPA or other federal law, federal law prevails.


Cameras in the Classroom – Special Education News

Parents – the time has come to send your letters to your child’s school district and request surveillance cameras be placed in your child’s classroom.

The Department of Aging and Disabilities (“DADS”) released a report discussing Senate Bill 507 that allows parents, and others, to request that any self-contained SPED room have a video camera to protect the safety of students. Click here for more info on Page 41 of the Report DADS Report.

However, the Texas Education Agency (“TEA”) has a proposed new rule being Section 103.1301, currently still in the rule adoption process. The proposed rule is offered for clarification of the Texas Education Code Section 29.022 regarding Video Surveillance of Certain Special Education Settings. Once the rule is adopted, it will be published in the Texas Register at the Texas Secretary of State website.  For more information of the proposed 19 Texas Administrative Code Section 103.1301, go to TEA Proposed New 19 TAC Section 103.1301.

You as parents of students receiving special education services should act now. Gather the contact information for your school’s principal and Special Ed director for the district. If your child is a student in Spring Branch, I have the district contact information.

Contact me and I will share an example of the Camera Request Letter.


Kevin and Avonte’s Law

The word eloping took on a whole new meaning when my three year old son began his new behavior of running away from me.  Due to the fact that I was already a “helicopter mom” even before my son’s autism diagnosis, my son did not have many opportunities to slyly wander away from me while we were out in public.  I faced the problem of having my son bolt from me with no (obvious) warning.

For many parents, elopement or wandering is a frightening problem that can occur with their children who are on the autism spectrum.  Parents may soon have resources and assistance to address elopement.  U. S. Senior Senator Chuck Shumer sponsored the new safety bill called Kevin and Avonte’s Law.  The U.S. Senate passed safety legislation on July 14, 2016. Currently in the U.S. House of Representatives, H. R. 4919 is assigned to a committee.

According to Autism Speaks, Kevin and Avonte’s Law would allow Justice Department grants to be used by law enforcement agencies and nonprofits for educational and other programs. The grants would facilitate training and emergency protocols for school personnel, supply first responders with additional information and resources, and make locating technology programs available for individuals who may wander from safety. See Autism Speaks   website for more information.

Requesting Education Records – FERPA

If you are working on your child’s IEP and records binder this summer, make a list of the records you are missing from school. Parents can the right to INSPECT AND REVIEW their child’s education records. Special Education students, including services provided to students under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Public schools and school districts receive funds under programs administered by the U.S. Dept. of Education. FERPA is Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec 1232g, 34 CFR Part 99) that applies to the above-described educational agencies and institutions.

There are areas of confusion regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
Is your child’s school is a covered entity?
Are the health records “education records” or “treatment records” and what is considered “protected health information” under HIPAA?

If you are running into problems accessing your child’s records, call my office.

Guardianship of an Adult Disabled Child

Is your child nearing his or her 18th birthday? What does this mean for them and what does this mean for you?

The State of Texas recognizes your child as an adult when you child turns 18 years old.  He or she can enter into contracts and attend ARDs alone.  You as the parent will lose your status as the natural guardian of your child and lose the right to be noticed for your child’s school ARD meetings.  You may be excused from your child’s doctor’s exam room.

If your child’s capacity level is such that a Power of Attorney is not an acceptable option, look into Guardianship. Guardianship of the Person can offer you legal rights to protect your child.

Feel free to contact me for more information on planning for your child’s future at

The FDA Should Listen to the Voice of the Patient – Perspective on benefits of use of Eteplirsen

Dominic Romito watched during testimony about Sarepta’s clinical trial of an experimental drug to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy.Photo from The Boston Globe 4/25/2016

Families with children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (“DMD”) from all over the United States flew to Maryland to attend a Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) advisory committee meeting on a mission to convince committee members to recommend accelerated approval of a new drug application for eteplirsen.  Scientists argued that the clinical trials provided evidence that the drug slowed the progression of DMD.  Parents received time-limited slots to discuss their own observations of the positive effects of the drug.

The accelerated approval provisions in Section 506(c) of FD&A Act, added by Section 112 of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997, allows for accelerated approval to “a product for a serious or life-threatening disease or condition . . . upon a determination that the product has an effect on a surrogate endpoint that is reasonable likely to predict clinical benefit, or on a clinic endpoint that can by measured earlier than irreversible morbidity or mortality, that is reasonably likely to predict an effect on irreversible morbidity or mortality or other clinical benefit, taking into account the severity, rarity, or prevalence of the condition and the availability or lack of alternative treatments.”

The advisory committee was asked if the applicant provided substantial evidence from adequate and well-controlled studies that Eteplirsen induces production of dystrophin to a level that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit.  The phrasing of the question is not applicable where the study participation is small due to the rarity of the disease, such as DMD.  Surrogate endpoints and intermediate clinical endpoints should be considered in situations for clinical studies for drugs for rare diseases.

Unfortunately, after hours of testimony, the committee recommended against approval for Sarepta’s exon-skipping drug eteplirsen.

The FDA is allowed to expedite programs for serious conditions in Section 506(b) of the FD&C Act as added by Section 112 of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 and amended by Section 901 of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act of 2012 (FDASIA).   Receiving and acknowledging the testimony of patients is part of the drug review process under the Patient Focused Drug Developments initiative launched by FDASIA.

By utilizing the flexibility offered under FDASIA, the FDA can fast-track the approval process for Eteplirsen.

Every minute matters to families with boys who have the rare disease.  The final FDA decision is with the director of the drug evaluation center, Janet Woodcock.

Debra Miler, co-founder and CEO of CureDuchenne, a nonprofit organization, offers her words of encouragement for approval at  The advancement of treatment for a child with DMD affects the quality of life.

Senator Rubio brought attention to this matter – click here for the video SenatorMarcoRubio.


Changes to Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Many parents with children with special needs rely on the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) for Medicaid Wavier Programs and other supports and services.  A timeline of changes is provided below.

The Texas legislature approved and passed Senate Bill 200, making it law last summer, but what does that mean for DADS?  In the 1st phase, Texas Health and Human Services Center (HHSC) will have transferred to its control select function of the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), client services of the DADS and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). and administrative services of the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) system, set for September 1, 2016.

Further, DARS is scheduled to be abolished September 1, 2016.

The 2nd Phase includes the abolishment of DADS September 1, 2017.

For more information of the transformation of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, click on the link below.