You have found my article, but the Filis Law Firm website is not the only site you should look at as a reliable source of information for families with children with special needs. Continue your research. You have access to information, now what will you do with it?

Acquire knowledge and turn it into wisdom. You have at your fingertips information to assist you in maximizing the protection of your family. Now start doing something. You may already be taking some of these action steps, such as:
Protecting your child at school by attending Special Education ARD meetings and thoughtfully contributing to your child’s IEP.
Protecting your child’s future by getting him or her countless treatments from doctors and therapists that are designed to help to put your child on a better pathway to achieving life goals.
Protecting your family’s financial future by working with an attorney and a financial advisor for purposeful estate planning.
Filis Law Firm has a list of Action Steps designed to assist families with children with special needs. These Action Steps have been collected by Leona E. Filis, owner of Filis Law Firm, based on what Leona has discovered during her life journey with her son. We will publish one step at a time.
STEP ONE: Sign up your child with special needs on the Interest Lists for Medicaid Waiver Programs and look into other government benefits such as SSI, Medicaid, SSD, and Medicare. Take ten (10) minutes today and call 1-877-438-5658 to put your child on the Interest Lists.